Author: Aelita Andre
Dinosaur and Sentinal. 2011
Tak tentokrát jsem vybrala obraz umělkyně Aelity Andre, která je Natálce věkem nejblíž. Aelita ve svých pěti (!) letech dokázala prodat své obrazy na své první solo výstavě v roce 2012 během sedmi dnů...Rodiče ji odmalička vedou k malbě, má svůj ateliér, kde si hraje s barvami a nezlobí...:)
Aelita started painting before she was two years old. Michael Andre, the girl's father, said that at as early as nine-months, Aelita would crawl onto her parents' canvases (both are artists) and begin to paint.
The precocious painter seems to relish the spotlight and on a trip last summer to the Metropolitan Museum of Art with her family, amid works by Picasso and Monet, asked her parents "Where are my paintings?" :)
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