sobota 27. září 2014



Author: Pablo Picasso
Dice. 1900-1932

Nedávno jsme se vrátili z Barcelony, kde jsme samozřejmě navštívili i Muzeum Picassa. Jako upomínku na něj jsem vybrala jeden jeho méně známý obraz. V roce 2010 byl spolu s dalšími 270ti neznámými picassovými skicami  nalezen v domě sedmdesátiletého důchodce Pierra Le Guenneca, který tvrdil, že je od Picassa dostal darem. Picassův syn tvrdí, že je ukradl....Důležité je zmínit, že celková cena nalezených děl má hodnotu více než 50 milionů liber!

 I have chosen this Picasso's work as a remembrance of the Museu Picasso we visited last week in Barcelona. This painting was one of 271 unknown works by Picasso that have been found in 2010.  It is perhaps why the French police arrested the 71-year-old Pierre Le Quennec when they discovered the cache of sketches and painting worth 50 millions pounds at his Riviera home. Mr Quennec claimed that he was given the collection by the artist when he carried out odd jobs for him at his Cote d'Azur home for 40 years ago. However, Picasso'son,Claude, suspected that the works were stolen....In the meantime the pieces are goldmine for Picasso experts. "Above all what counts is to retrieve a collection which is of historic importance for art history,' said a lawyer for the artist's family.

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